Wednesday 17 September 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

After the appearance of "virus of the Apes" which almost wipe out the human, a group of apes govern the planet. But they have a problem, there is a group of humans beings which have survived the virus and they are now immune too.
Men need the energy of a dam near where the apes live. So, they talk with Cesar who is the leader of the apes group, and is a reasonable ape and makes a deal with the human beings to avoid the war.


If my house was on fire, I would take my mobile phone and my ipad because they are very important to me and they are expensive and light so I could take them without problems.
As well I would take my Play Station3 and my favourite games because I use them when I am not busy and I have a good time.
If my house was burning I would take my sport bag because I have there  racquet and I would also put in all my clothes.
To conclude, I would take my savings and my wallet where I have my ID card

Tuesday 2 September 2014

GERMANY!!! : )

DAY 1 : The first day we went to Bremen, then we went to Wittmund by bus and there we met the father and their children, two boys who we would live those days with my friend Gabi. We met the super friendly mother, although she didn't speak any English. The family taught us the house and we had dinner at 7:30h, I thought it was the afternoon snack and we went to bed at 9 p.m.

DAY 2 : The second day we went to the school, t
hey arranged us in groups, in the group with which I had to go were Jesus, Manu, Tasio, some people of the Gabina and Comenius (two Spanish schools from Valencia), and people from other countries. We did some activities all together and we had lunch there and afterwards we went to home to made "normal life".

DAY 3 : The third day we visited an island. We saw a sewage plant although we didn't understand the 
functioning because we had no teacher to translate them, it was a bit difficult, but at the end we have clarified and left us free time to buy what we wanted, then we come back to our house.

DAY 4 : We stayed with the family and took us to see a big mock-up of all cities, in the surroundings there were cars that 
behaving alone on the road, there was even a Zeppelin! Everything was super well done with all details, Gabi and  I were pleasantly surprised. When we returned to the home we remember that there were people in the water park of Wittmund and we decided to go there. After that, we agreed to see the Spain vs Holland match in the Patricia's host house. 
